Daniel H. Tarushka, C.P.A.
Providing Tax, Accounting and Management Advisory Service
For Individuals and Small Businesses in Southern New Hampshire
Sandown, NH Phone: (603) 887-8490
e-mail: book_emdanno@yahoo.com
The basis for any professional relationship is trust. No professional can help you if you don't feel comfortable discussing issues with him or her. Here's some information about me, including links to tax and accounting related sites, as well as some sites of personal interest. Thanks for visiting my site.
New Hampshire CPA license 2429
Member AICPA Tax Section
Member New Hampshire Society of CPA's
Service provided "at your door"
I work from my home so all appointments are in the comfort and privacy of your home or office
Free initial consultation
Computerized accounting systems installation
Full service including all tax and accounting related issues
Five year resident of Sandown
Married with three children
Personal interests include
Coaching my kids athletic teams
Sports of almost any kind
Lawn care (believe it or not)
Public Service: I'm on the Timberlane Regional School District Budget Committee.
Here are some links to tax and accounting related sites:
Here are some links to local government sites:
Sandown Central Elementary School
The Timberlane Regional School District
Here are some links to local sports and other sites:
Weather Channel for Manchester, NH
Stroud's Consumate Internet Apps List