U n i v e r s a l M a r k e t i n g ( Pvt. ) Ltd.
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Salt Lamps ,
Bath Salt &
Halite / Glass Rock Salt from Himalaya
Stylish Aids to Healthier Environment
Universal Marketing (Pvt.) Ltd. have been in the Salt trade continuously since 1996 - and, this has enabled them to get a rare insight into the complex dynamics of this product.
Salt lamps produce ions carrying negative charges, creating a pleasant atmosphere similar to that found in mountains, by rivers and the sea. This is in contrast to the damaging positive ions produced by television sets, computers and many other things in our modern lifestyle.
Rock Salt Lamps are a natural aid in the treatment of various illnesses, including allergies, migraine, rheumatism and high blood pressure.
The rock salt is a natural ionizer and effectively improves the quality of the air by producing negative ions-the "vitamins of the air". Negative ions can be found in billions, on mountain tops, water falls and by the sea. They give the air its invigorating freshness, which is why we feel so good in these places.
Salt crystals illuminated from the inside (either with a globe or tea light) emit a higher number of ions than non illuminated. The best thing about them above all this is they look and feel fantastic!
Proceed further & surf our site ; have a look in Catalogue & the range we offer or call for a brochure .
Universal Marketing ( Pvt.) Ltd. now have a Rock Salt Lamp in each of the practice rooms to preserve the natural air quality.
Marketing Office
32 M, Civic Center , Model Town Ext. Lahore , Pakistan Tel : 92-42-5162733 / 5162722 Fax : 92 42 5162733 E-Mail : umpl@yahoo.com |
Registered Office
Universal Marketing (Pvt.) Ltd 11-B-3, Gulberg-3, Lahore, Pakistan Tel : 92-42-5712067, 5162733, 5162722 Fax : 92-42-5162733 E-Mail : umpl@yahoo.com |
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