Welcome to the GHJ Tree Farm

View from the GHJ Tree Farm.
Apples and Firs

Happy Winter!

Please call for infomation on Christmas Tree sales. 408-354-1401.
Click to learn more about

Christmas Trees


The GHJ Tree Farm is a relatively small family owned and operated christmas tree
and apple farm. We are commited to providing quality apples and
christmas trees, at decent prices. We believe high quality takes the place
of high quanitity. Often it is in our best interest to close before we
are completely sold out of christmas trees, to assure a good selection
for the year to follow. When this does happen, we appreciate your
understanding. Thank you.


Please call to find out more information.
(408) 354-1401 or Email

To find out more about the apple varieties, click on the link below.
Apple Info


We are located in Santa Cruz County, CA. on Skyline Blvd. between Black Rd. and Hwy. 9,
just south of Castle Rock State Park.
For additional information, and directions please call 408-354-1401 or E mail.



California Christmas Tree Growers Assoc.

Castle Rock State Park


Last Update 12-1-2006

This page is located at www.GHJTREEFARM.com and at
www. geocities.com/ghjtreefarm.

This website is maintained by Kyle Johnson.
Comments and suggestions are welcome

Our wreaths are hand made from fresh greens, and include a red velvet bow.
The Holly is picked from our own bushes and is sold in groups of three medium to large sprigs.
The mistletoe is hand picked from our oak trees where it grows naturally, and is sold with a red ribbon bow.
If you are interested in finding out more information, or ordering any of these items ahead of time, click on the link below.