440th Signal Battalion Historic Pictures (Page 1)

We were able to get some photos from WWII and the Korean war. We feel that these pictures represent a very important era of the battalion's history. At this time the battalion is being decommissioned so in our small way we want to pay tribute to it's beginnings.



Secrecy stamp. Mail was censored for security reasons


Line crew


Line crew setting pole. Moresby 1942


Wyman relaxing 

Moresby 1943


Road sign from airstrips to Moresby

Reverse of sign at left

Wyman working on camp lights


Laying cable in Gusap


Road sign at Gusap




Convoy from Gusap to Nadzab


Same convoy as left photo


Laying cable Moresby 1942


Pangborn, Wyman, Beauvis

Same photo, another angle

Washroom, Moresby 1943


Pole truck with poles cut in Owen Stanley range

Pole yard at Moresby 1942-1943


Same pole yard


Jorgensen, Mitchell, Broderick

Wyman, Beauvis, Pangborn 

Mitchell, Pangborn, Broderick, Beauvis, Wyman

Mitchell, Beauvis, Pangborn, Wyman


Jorgensen, Glass, Broderick, Cox, Pangborn, Beauvis, Mitchell






Pangborn, Mitchell, Beauvis, Jorgensen




Pangborn, Wyman, Mitchell, Beauvis, Jorgensen

New Guinea 1942


Bill Pangborn


Bob Beauvis


Earl Mitchell



Bernie Wyman


Karl Jorgensen

Al Broderick

12' 6" snake killed at Nadzab


2004 reunion in Reno. Pictured left to right: Pangborn, Wyman. Next is R.Gleason who does not appear in any of the above pictures along with Lott Harrison..



Click on crest for Page 2