Steve Chastain  Company, Inc.
A Manufacturers' Representative Organization
4300 West Oak  Street
Rogers, AR  72758

Here is a list  of the manufacturers we represent and, if possible, links to their  sites.
Cerf Bros. Bag Co.    Duffle Bags/Outdoor Accessories
Elder Hosiery    Socks
Game Hunter   Camo Accessories
Keeper Corporation   Tie Downs
Metal Fusion, Incorporated  Fish Cookers/Cooking Accessories
Metal Ware    Camp Cookwear
Optronics, Incorporated       Hand-Held Lights/Fish Lights
Sealand Technology   Portable  Toilets
Stansport    Camping Accessories
Star Brite Marine Accessories
Taylor Made    Marine Accessories
Trumark      Slingshots
Winchester Paintball    Paintball Accessories

If we might be of service or you are a manufacturer looking for professional representation, please contact our home office or one of our sales team:

Serving Northwest Arkansas/Southeastern Texas
Steve Chastain    479-636-2005 / 800-245-2005
4300 West Oak St.
Rogers, AR  72758

Serving West Texas, 
Chuck Mande 940-692-6602
3512 Kent Lane
Wichita Falls, TX  76308

Serving Louisiana and East Texas
Steve Chastain    479-636-2005 / 800-245-2005

Serving Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri
Travis Fox   479-841-8696  
12657 Cooper Drive
Lowell, AR  72745

Home Office Support Personnel
Jan McLeod - Administrative Assistant
Glenda Hill - Sales Analyst/Data Processing Department

Comments or suggestions to this webpage should be sent  to Support
Each logo and/or trademark represented here are the possession of the respective corporation.
©2004 Steve Chastain Company,  Incorporated