I have been doing registered care for 7 years now.  I started when my second daughter was born in Japan.( My husband and I were both military)  We decided we wanted more stability in our family for our children and so I entered the world of childcare!  My role model was our own provider who we trusted completely and still talk to even now.  Bless her heart! (Hi Kim!)
What Little Angel's offers to local parents:
Registered care with ongoing training in several fields so your child will be with a continuing educational program

Healthy meals provided, no packing lunches! 

playroom and outdoor play equipment for daily outdoors activities to develop motor skills

walking distance to Madison school district-convenience for latchkey.

I head the St. Lawrence Family Daycare  Association  so I am very up-to-date on childcare issues in the local community

Monday-Friday latch-key hours.

Reasonable rates that are usually less than centers and I am finding more and more that they are the same if not less than some local unregistered babysitters!

Convenient payment through cash, local check or Credit Card through paypa
I currently have one opening for  a school age child.
Click here to get information on looking for childcare
Photos of the playroom
Click here to find out information about other local providers
links for Childcare Providers
Click here to sign up for PayPal to pay with Credit Card Links for Parents
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