St. Lawrence County Family Daycare Association
Our Mission: to provide training, support, referrals and benefits to the providers of St. Lawrence County.  Promoting  quality childcare.  Bridging the gap between the community and childcare!
Please contact Brenda Cope at 769-1574 or Judy at the St. Lawrence ChildCare Council in Ogdensburg 393-6474, or one of our area representatives for more information.
Providers- Please click here and fill out our on-line questionaire- let us know what you need!
United Child Care Network
Additional Meeting topics:
Diversity in Childcare - 10/25/99
Childcare Assistence Programs - 5/10/99
Association- 2000   -  2/9/00
ADHD - 1/14/00
Parent/Provider Communication Child Abuse and Maltreatment - 4/00
9/00 Understanding preschool children with disabilities
November 29th- 7pm:

Topic will be NYS assistence in childcare programs!  Come and learn about the paper work required of you in working with parents on the reimbursment program for childcare.  Learn about when payments are made and how; what is required of the parents;what and how you can charge; all necessary information you need in dealing with these programs!  This class will be credited toward hours for your license.  Please call 769-1574 in order to pre-register.  Members have no fee for this class, non-members have a fee of $10.00 for the certificate.
Become a member!
join online child care advice club
Contact The Association