Hi-Tech Elastomeric Systems
14 Sea Island Dr
Ormond Beach, FL 32176
1-800-52-ROOFING (1-800-527-6634)

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Coating for the Elasomeric Industry

Warranties Available, Seamless Installations, 25 Years in the Elastomeric Business,

Coatings for All Surfaces, Will Instruct

We started our business in 1980 by searching out and compiling the latest coatings and waterproofing products for all major industries. Our systems are designed to form a seamless, one-piece membrane that remains flexible and resilient. Additionally, our systems are resistant to all specific chemicals.

For over 17 years, we built up our skills as elastomeric contractors installing this type of product in roofing, pond lining, tank lining, elastomeric gaskets, and secondary containment. We ship anywhere in the USA, including US territories and overseas.

Seamless Rubber Coatings for All Major Industries

Do It Yourself

Toll Free: (800) 52-ROOFING (800) 527-6634

Call now for a free consultation.


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