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I am still one of those SAP consultants working at client sites in North America and Europe - London, England. I have over 20 years of business experience in manufacturing. I started configuring in SAP R/3 software in release 2.1F in 1994 and am currently working in release 5.0. (It has a few undocumented features)
Most of my work has been in SAP's PP (Production Planning) and MM (Materials Management) module, but I have set up product costing in CO and have helped out in SD and WM. I've put in PLM (or PDM or what ever SAP is calling it now) and linked 3D CAD neutral models from the material master to the built-in viewer of 4.6. I have worked on long projects, ASAP projects and I've done a 90 day implementation (CO, FI, SD, PP, MM, and WM). Clients that are willing to adapt to the SAP best practices will benefit from 90 day implementations. However, they are rough on consultants.

If you are considering implementing SAP software, check with Blue Palm Consulting, Inc. for my availability.

If you don't have any idea what SAP software is, try this joke for now. I hope to add a more complete explanation of SAP software soon. (Yea, I know I've been saying that for over four years)
Luckily I'm staying busy with SAP and don't have much time to maintain this page. Try my next page for now.

Last updated 12/22/03.

Pre-SAP Business Experience:
K-25 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Savannah River Plant
Lonza (Swiss Chemical Company)
Ciba Specialty Chemicals

SAP Configuration Experience:
Materials Management Inventory
Materials Management Purchasing
Production Planning - (nearly all aspects except for variant configuration)
Custom movement types
Cycle Counts
Split valuation
SAP Handling Units
Precious Metal Pricing
External Service Management
Purchase Requisitions (with line item approval with SAP workflow)
Purchase Orders (with header level approval with SAP workflow)
Subcontracting (with outbound deliveries)
Vendor Returns (with outbound deliveries and automatic debit memos)
Contracts, Quota Arrangements, and automatic source lists
Schedule Agreements (with releases faxed and sent EDI)
ASN - Inbound deliveries (loaded using EDI)
Consignment purchasing (including settlement)
Logistics Invoice Verification (including ERS - Evaluated Receipt Settlement)
Standard SOP
Demand Mangement - (Planning with assembly; make to order; planning material; etc.)
Production Order Types - (including ALL integration points)
Repetitive Manufacturing
Production Control - (including time event confirmations)
Capacity Evaluation
Product Costing - (standard cost estimates with quantity structure including overhead cost sheets)
Delivery Notes
Engineering Change
Classes & Characteristics
Document Management (including using data carrier to print AutoCAD directly from Material Master, linking to view 3D model within SAP, setting up an SAP Data Vault, and document distribution with SAP workflow)
LSM (Legacy System Migration) - Great tool to load legacy data into SAP
LIS (Logistics Information System)
Archiving and deleteing data
CATT (Computer Aided Test Tool)

Outside Interests:
US Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla Staff Officer in 081-03-09
Restoring cars

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