James W. Chamberlin
3469 South Otis Court
Lakewood, CO 80227
(303) 989-2409
U.S. Foreign Service Officer, 1973-97. Attorney, member Alabama State
Bar. Computer systems manager. Languages: Portuguese, Polish, and Italian.
Lived in Brazil, Thailand, Poland and Italy. Held top secret security clearance.
1998 Texaco -- Accounting. Handled cash accounts and receivables
for Texaco Trading and Transportation in Denver. Developed cash monitoring
database in Microsoft Access 97. Maintained accounts for a multimillion-dollar
program of gasoline sales in Microsoft Excel. |
1973-1997 U.S. Department of State -- |
1995-1997 American Embassy, Rome, Italy -- Chief of the Science
Office. Responsible for negotiations with the Italian Government on bilateral
and European Union matters when Italy held the presidency of the EU, including
Europe's role in the North Korean nuclear non-proliferation agreement (KEDO),
a fisheries dispute over Italy's swordfish catch, and US-Italy space cooperation,
including the logistics module (MPLM) for the space station. |
1992-95 American Embassy, Warsaw, Poland -- Science Counselor. Administered
U.S.-Polish fund supporting over 300 science projects with an annual budget
of $3 million. Member of the board of the Polish
Ecofund, which funded
environmental projects. Prepared for and participated in President Clinton's
first visit to Poland. |
1990-1992 U.S. Department of State Office of Environment, Health and
Conservation -- Deputy Director. Managed an office of 8 scientific
and foreign policy professionals. Responsible for international policy
on living things, including endangered species, and preparation for the
1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). |
1988-1990 U.S. Department of State Office of Proliferation Affairs--
Deputy Director. Responsible for enforcing and expanding the Missile Technology
Control Regime (MTCR). |
1986-1988 American Embassy, Brasilia, Brazil -- Senior Science
Officer. Responsible for policy on nuclear
non-proliferation, the environment,
and science cooperation. Prepared blue ribbon science cooperation meeting
for Presidential Science Adviser Allan Bromley. |
1984-1986 American Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand -- Computer
Systems Manager. Responsible for 100+ State Department users on PCs and
Wang minicomputers, plus oversight of other US Government computer systems
in Thailand, with about 500 users. |
1982-1984 Arms Control & Disarmament Agency -- Staff officer.
Responsible for arms control implications of NASA's civilian space activities
and the military's space activities. |
1979-1982 U.S. Department of State Office of Strategic and Nuclear Intelligence
Analysis -- Staff Officer. Responsible for analysis of intelligence
relating to nuclear non-proliferation, and high-tech military developments
in the Soviet Union. |
1977-1979 U.S. Department of State Office of Brazilian Affairs --
Assistant Brazil Desk Officer. Responsible for Brazilian affairs
in Washington. Prepared materials for a visit by President Reagan to Brazil. |
1976-1977 U.S. Department of State Office of Current Intelligence --
Officer. Monitored current intelligence reports, alerting senior officials
as necessary. Prepared a daily summary of intelligence reports for the
Secretary of State. |
1974-1976 American Consulate General, Sao Paulo, Brazil -- Consular
Officer. Issued visas and passports. Cared for American citizens under
arrest or in other trouble. |
1973-1974 U.S. Department of State -- New hire training. Portuguese
language training. |
1972- 1973 Veterans Administration -- Attorney. VA Board of Veterans
Appeals. |
B.A., Mathematics, Principia College, Elsah, Illinois, 1967
J.D., University of Alabama School of Law, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1972
Foreign Service Institute, Washington, DC. Portuguese language training,
Foreign Service
Institute, Washington, DC. Computer systems manager
training, 1984
Foreign Service Institute, Washington, DC. Polish language training,
U.S. Army artillery, DMZ of South Vietnam, 1969-1970
Army Commendation Medal, 1970
U.S. Department of State Meritorious Honor Award, 1981
U.S. Department of State Meritorious Honor Award, 1990
MS Word, Excel, Access 97, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, QuattroPro, Linux,
CompTIA A+ Certification, typing 40 wpm.
E-mail: jwchamberlin@attbi.com or jwchamberlin@yahoo.com
Web: http://home.attbi.com/~jwchamberlin,
or http://www.compuhandyman.com
Fax: (303) 989-2161 |