H O M E L E S S    R E P O R T


230 Pala Vista Dr.    Vista, CA 92083 (760) 630-0077



The over-all root or causes of homelessness are multifaceted ranging from cases where those who find themselves in this situation have been literally ousted; told they are no good by their families -- to those, who through no fault of their own, have wound up on the streets. In reaching the homeless stage and in the worst' case scenario, emotional problems are even more aggravate and must be addressed to curb a never-ending cycle of homelessness,

The traditional/urban homeless can be broken down into seven categories: drug and alcohol abusers, those with emotional problems/mentally ill, to those "down on their luck", single parents with children/intact families (both parents), runaways or throw-away's, veterans, and senior citizens. Please note that even though the homeless may be categorized in this manner, there are some who fit into all seven categories to some degree,

The problem of homelessness needs to be address on an individual basis, however, there are groups of individuals and diverse ways to treat each group. For example, on the streets of Vista/Oceanside and every other city in America, the homeless include the following: single men, single women, single mothers with children, single fathers with children, intact families and runaways.

Since homelessness is a National problem, it appears that the only way to find workable solutions is for individual cities to address these problems at a community and regional level. It is well known that homelessness is at a point of crisis and that is acknowledged in the recent count of the homeless as a separate entity for the first time in the United States by the Census Bureau in 1990.


 The following is a list of services that each community would require to provide solutions to the problems of homelessness.

General Shelter: In Vista/Oceanside, as in other cities, a general shelter is needed to provide separate quarters for men, women, and families for a safe environment with accommodations for sleeping, bathrooms and showers. In addition, a staff manned by·social workers and counselors for problem solving and referrals would be required, augmented by case managers and other volunteers to supervise and implement rules and regulations. No drugs, alcohol or disorderly conduct would be tolerate.  

Some services can be housed in one location and others would require networking with other agencies to attain the best possible results. Of course that which works for one community can work for others with a few simple modifications.

Motel vouchers should be provided for homeless families in cases where these families would not fit in with the environment of a general shelter.

Day Care Center: A day care center could provide many services. Depending on the size and location, some of these services could include a location for people to gather; receive mail; telephone messages and provide laundry service and storage for personal effects. Also, showers and bathrooms should be included. An ideal situation would be a well supervise TV area, library and reading area. This would keep many of the homeless off the streets, out of parks and allow them a place for socializin, counseling and job training. Many could be employed within the center -- an opportunity to improve and help themselves on the way back into society. This could be done with a voucher system arranged with local businesses, enabling recipients to purchase clothing or personal items.

The counseling and referral services could include:

· Mental and Health Counseling

· Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

· Job Training and Placement

· Potential employer interviews

· Social Services and Public Assistance

· Documentation for Personal Identification

· Legal Assistance

This center should be located in a central area, close to public transportation. The center could be subsidized through government funding, such as grants. Also, private funding could help to support the center.

Even though there is a soup kitchen in the City of Vista, dinner is not necessarily provided .very day of the week. Because meals are offered at different locations each day, this presents a problem for many: lack of transportation to distant areas, confusion for some ·as to where to go, changes of eating sites with little notice, inclement weather, etc. With the possibility of serving meals at one location, breakfast and a sack lunch would provide a better means of feeding people enabling the them to start their day off right.

Counseling and job referrals thus can be offered before their being subjected to the streets for the day. With space available or nearby, all of the foregoing features could be incorporated into a day center. In addition, a cook training program could be established in conjunction with meal preparation and could ultimately offer anyone with this training a way into the job market. Another possibility would be to establish a second hand store that could help train people in retailing and subsidize the program. A good support group is vital for drug and alcohol offenders along with other programs of help, and would follow a detoxification program essential to recovery. At present, there are few deter facilities in surrounding areas and none in Vista. Any resident who desires to be free from addiction must travel to other areas, and accommodations for this type of treatment area critical need,

Transitional Housing: Transitional housing would be a step away from a General Shelter and Day Care Center for those who sincerely desire to help themselves on their way back to the mainstream of life. Individual houses would provide a home like atmosphere -- an address, telephone, showers and laundry facilities (all of which are essential for seeking and maintaining employment). Each home would feature an area for counseling (emotional, financial and spiritual), and also could be used as a place to hold other meetings and recreational activities.

This can and must be done.  You need to contact your City Officials in your area and have them implement the above in your area.  If we don't - who will?

Pray about it and then do it.

If I can help in any way or if you would like to purchase a printed version of this report, for $3.00, for postage and handling, please contact me by e-mail by clicking here or call me at (760) 630-0077.

Kenneth E. Fetzer


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