Map of the Trip from Elko NV to Yacolt WA

We don't know the exact route of this trip, but this is my re-creation of it. Travel is shown in different colors, depending on the year: Pink is 1892, Blue is 1893 and Green is 1894.

  1. Mountain Home, Nevada, about 50 miles west of Elko, start of the trip.
  2. Elko, where the Robersons (JM's sister) lived.
  3. Southern Idaho, where JM was injured and where the lava bed was.
  4. About where the empty valley was.
  5. Jordan Valley, OR, where the boys saw the owls.
  6. The Blue Mountains (outlined in teal.)
  7. Baker, OR, where the boys saw the cowboy on the bucking horse.
  8. Echo, OR, Umitilla, OR, and the Columbia River crossing.
  9. Lewiston, ID. fall and winter of 1892-3.
  10. Colville, WA, original goal and winter of 1893-4.
  11. Lewiston, spring and early summer of 1894.
  12. The Dalles, the north end of JM's freighting project.
  13. Cascade Falls (or Locks), family camp while JM was operating the freight line.
  14. Yacolt, Washington.