horse rescue rescuing Wild Horses and Mustangs
Please follow the link below to take you to Creative Ministry Products
The Puppet House

The above site  sells creative ministry items such as puppets and stages, bible puppets, rod arm puppets, animal puppets, hand puppets, scripts, props, lesson plans, and just about anything else you will need to start or maintain a ministry.  Highly recommended.  Above are some pictures of the sort of puppets they supply.. 
God Bless All!!!   You will want to check out this site if you have a children's ministry or plan to start one.

They also carry Jelly's and syrups and natural skin care products and excellent gift baskets.  They have all kinds of georgia pecans avaliable from chocolate covered pecans to praline pecans or just plain for any of your holiday baking needs.
Here are some other good links you may wish to visit:

God's Little People Puppets

Kirkland Kreek
All natural skin care produces and organic georgia pecan orchard.  They raise old english babydoll sheep, run a country store that sells gift baskets and PUPPETS!

50 Free Christian Drama Scripts.  Many can be adjusted to fit puppet plays

Wonderful site by Mr. Gene.  This site is great for the kids and any children workers!!

We will add to this list soon
Looking for Rod Arm Puppets?  Bible Puppets for your Children's Ministry?  Just need a basic hand puppet?  A puppet stage to complete your group?  Follow the link below to the puppet house and you can find these and much more! 
Natural Skin Care Products and Homemade Soaps and Lotions. 
Georgia Pecans and Gift Baskets.
Wonderful reasonably price baskets and tins with all kinds of pecans.  Chocolate covered pecans, pralines, cinnimon pecans, roasted pecans or by raw pecans for all of your season baking needs.
Homemade soaps and more
Wonderful Christmas Gifts.
Both of the following companies carry puppets.
The second one is a new company and they are updating their web site I believe.  You should check back with them and see if they have new pages soon.

#1-  Click here for Puppets

#2-  Click here for more Puppets
Great Christmas ideas for family, friends, or Corperate Presents.
PMU Horses for Sales
Belgians, Percherons, Quarter horses, Arabians, Cross breeds, Appoloosas, Paints and Many More PMU Horses in need of Homes. 
Click Here
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Rescued PMU Foals and Mares for Sale.
Sponsor a PMU Mare or Foal.
PMU Horses for Sale! Quarter Horses, Belgians, Percherons

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