1)Perf appraisal and fback Perf improv and comm of expectations, Info for compensation and promotion/transfer/separation decisions, legal hedge, can enhance perceptions of fairness and professionalism if done well Methods Ranking,Ratings (graphic, behavioral),Mgment by ObjDesigning: be behavioral and specific, avoid items that deal with personality, allow employees to be involved in the design process, allow space for perf planning Evaluation: allow for self appraisal, avoid commom rating errors, recency, leniency, severity, halo, contrastm projection, Separate evaluation from dvpt planning. Politics: Appraisal occurs in an org context, Politics may guid appraisal, quid pro quo or simple favoritism, getting rid of a "problem" by giving a subordinate high ratings leading to a promotion, desire not to "rock the boat" by giving low ratings Do s: be behaviroal and specific, communicate frequently, be an active listener, be "firm but fair" Don’t: avoid genaralites and attributions, avoid destructive criticism, don t over assume that expectations have been made clear, avoid parent/ child communiaction. Interview: Prepare thoroughly for the session, relvant examples and incidents, Schedule the session at a convenient time and in an appropriate place. Begin by providing overview of the process. Communicate important strengths and weaknesses, Encourage employee particip and listen actively. Use problem-solving orientation, if possible. Jointly set improvement goals, Schedule follow-up.2) 360 .: Behavioral fdback from multiple possible sources ( supervisor, subordinates,peers,customers). Provided anonymously and fed back confidentially. Includes fdback report (average scores and frequencies from the multiple sources, normative scores Challenges : Organizational culture, Development vs Evaluation Coaching process: Only in org with cult stressing trust. Begin slow by sharing dvpt goals, not actual ratings or comments. Recognize the potential for gameplaying between rater and ratee (subordinate/supervisor, peer /peer). Consider potential legal ramifications, eliminate extreme score, focus on those employees at the tail-ends of the distribution.3)Technical training in how to do one’s current or future job. Organizational orientation. Managerial and leadership development. Traning in support of quality initiatives. Traning to deal with diversity/ multicultural issues and problems.4)OJT/classroom: ojb training: actual learning while doing one’s job. Job rotation. Coaching. Classroom training: lecture/discussion, audiovisual,experiential –caase, role play, business game or simulation. Computer based training.5)Artist & Scientist/manager: Artist: promoting and negotiating, prgram design, inspiring or capturing interest, intutition and sensing, listening and processing fdback. Scientist: systematicalling assessing training needs, managing budget and scheduling, preparation of written materials, evaluating results.6)Needs analysis: 3 levels: Org, job (analytic), person, methods : observation, interview, surveys.7)Challenges/opportunites Of HRD: HRd viewed only as a cost, Transfer of training, difficulty demonstrating outcomnes and cost effectiveness, implementation of effective diversity/ multicultural training & dvpt: - cultural awareness training, socialization and career dvpt, obsolescence and the older worker. Sexual harassement training, imporper and unethical training practices 8 ) Improper/Unethical Improper: use of "cure-all" pr "canned" programs, serving only as entertainers, not properly evaluating HRD efforts. Unethical: Violation of confidences, abuse of trainee," massaging" or falsifying HRD evaluation data.9) sequencing of learning: whole: A+B+C, A+B+C,A+B+C. Pure-part: A,B,C, progressive part: A, A+B,A+B+C.10) Learning curve

11) Learning process:: Physical arrangement of the classroom area. Building rapport and gaining leadership. Initial greetings and learning names, showing admiration and empathy for trainees, occasional use of informal language, encouraging participation, because adults learn by active listening, observing and questioning. Managing the process: program introduction, insiting on punctuality, controlling timing and pacing, handling problem situations and trainees. Recognizing and dealing with learning curves.12) Strucure of a presentation: Introduction: get attention, provide organization, and build rapport ( overview, anecdotal story or joke,short case or problem, quiz). Body: chronological, spatial/ geographic, topical, problem-solution, conclusion: summarizes and calls for action.13) Key Present guidelines: Plan in terms of characterisitcs of the targetd group. Decide early on how& when to deal with questions. Nvere read, Pay attentio to the process. Be aware of non verbal cues. Maintain a stylistic balance ( lose, humorous, 2 way,relaxed, organized). Judicious use of oveheads and other audiovisual methods, real life exampels and analogies, acronyms, pneumonics and key words.14) Q&A: It is an opportunity and not a threat: allows audience members to seek clarfication, allows the presenter to achieve greater effectiveness.Type1: seeks clarification : make sure you understand the question, don’t let a single person monopolize, tell the truth if you don’t have an answer, be aware of nonverbal cues. Type2: tries to weaken your presenatation: do not become defensive or talk down the person, listen without interupting, allow other to couterattack.15)Key elements of coaching: Set performance goals, collect performance data, analyze perfornance including gaps (to be done/ done), Provide specific feedback and encouragement, get the employee’s agreement that a problem exists, mutually develop and implement an action plan.16) Comm skils: Basic attending skills, Occasional paraphrasing, Occasional reflection of the employee’s feeling, open ended questions, specific/descriptiuve feedback, constructive criticism geared toward things that the employee can change,does not attribute poor performance to internal causes.17) Assessment Center: designed to measure a braod range of abilities and skills by using a combination of examination techniques administrated under standardized conditions. Evaluation of assees is completed by trained raters. -> Selec5tion/ promotion, training& dvpt, prgm evaluation.Multiple dimensions(evaluated skills), Methods, assessors. Ex: in basket, leaderless group discussion, Oral presentation, case analysis, Interview simul, Knowledge test, Personality test, Interest & values.19) Escalation of discipline: Coaching, verbal warning, Oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension, dismissal). Avoid discipline if possible, but not when necessary, avoid immediate internal attributions, maitain both proceduarl and distributive justice, attempt to destry the behavior, not the person, escalate discipline and document all behaviors and dicsiplinary actions. Sporadic documentation, ongoing performance appraisal.Challenges to termination at will. Sources of wrongfull dismissal: non performance based firing on legally protected groups, employees who blow the whistle regarding legal violations, employees who exercise legal rights pertaining to employement, implied contracts. Managing to avoid charges of wrongful dismissal, avoid implying that any job is "permanent", maitain accurate records, install a progressive discipline system, train supervisors about termination at will. Female manager are perceived by subordinates to be less effective in delivering discipline.