Philosophy of Upanishad

The Meaning of the word Upanishad

The word Upanishad is combination of three words:


"Upa" means "near"
"Ni" means "to lead"
"Shad"has three meanings:(derived from root "sat")

1)Truth (The Supreme Knowledge)
2)with prefix "Ni" also means to "sit"
3)with prefix "Ni" also means to "destroy"

Thus we get three meanings:

1)The book which (by nearess) leads to True knowledge
2)The book dealing with true knowledge which is obtained by sitting near(The Preceptor)
3)The book which destroys (the ignorance) and (reveals) Truth.

Which ever meaning one takes it means one and the same that Upanishads are the Books which deals with Truth or reveals the truth.

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