2009 Euro - Asia Global Forum"
VICI - Vlad the Impaler Club International
Dracula Tour and Black Sea Coast
Evil Seed: Bush and Kerry are Related to Dracula
Vlad the Impaler
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A fit subject for a novel, a movie or more recently for capable travel agents, the story of Dracula, though used to attrition, hasn't lost its magnet-like attraction on the large audience.
Without claiming elucidation of the subject, here is a more reasonable explanation of the mystery of Dracula. he isn't just a result of the imagination of bards or writers. Dracula is the nick-name of a Romanian Prince, Vlad, also called Tepes (the Impaler), a real-life character who reigned over Wallachia. The second nickname, the Impaler, was given to him because of his cruelty towards traitors whom he used to impale.
(Romanian Business Journal)