Welcome to the Millennium
Level 2 Cebu South Bus Terminal (Exit gate), N. Bacalso St. Cebu City 6000 Philippines
URL Address: http://come.to/mdesignsco      E-mail: mdesignsco@geocities.com

                         The Internet Station that SERVES YOU MORE!

sbisayalogo.gif (21264 bytes)

Just address your e-mail to SmileBisaya@pcpostal.com
and follow the sample format below.

What is SMILE Bisaya Efaxgram?
A mail service built for people living in
CEBU and its provinces who do not have computer, fax machine, telephone line and internet access, but want e-mail or documents from you.

Why is this called "Efaxgram" ?
E is for e-mail because the message is sent through electronic mail.
Fax because you can also send printable graphics and images.
Gram for telegram, but this service is a lot cheaper and you can send messages up to 3 pages or more. We don't charge per word, we only collect a minimal amount of Thirty Pesos (P 30.00) to the recipient for 30 KB or 3 pages which ever is lower. Additional pages are charged at Php 10.00 each.

Low Cost
Besides the benefit of speed, electronic mail is cheap and is increasingly preferred to communication using long-distance telephone calls, be they via fax or voice. This service also eliminates the purchase and maintenance costs of a computer. Not to mention the costs of a modem and an Internet account. And, as anybody will tell you, this is but half the cost in getting to use it. A way to reduce phone bills.

                                       SAMPLE FORMAT
Sender :
John Smith
Recepient : Pining Garcia
Location: Candijay, Bohol
Contact Number : 232-5621 c/o Mrs. Bonifacio (neighbor).

In cases where the recipient’s contact number is not of his own, use c/o (care of) and indicate who’s the person to look first.

                                                                                                          HOW DOES IT WORK

Click next to know how does it work


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