Prep '66 Updates

 Someday, these may be a pleasure to recall . . .

Ray Dan's Appendectomy: June 2000

Wow! Prep '66 sure is painting the town red!

One April Day at A Taste of L.A.

Grand Reunion 2000

EQ Pablo's Family: Pasko 1999

Ray Dan's Golden Celebration: October 8, 1999

Edna Santos-Alberto

Get Well Soon, Boyet!: September 22, 1999

Robert del Pilar: Then and Now

Happy Golden Birthday, Neph!!! : September 7, 1999

Usec EQ, future Sec at Work: August 17, 1999

EQ on TV: August 5, 1999

Trip to Marikina : July 11, 1999

EQ on: The Gall of my Stones

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