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WELCOME to my site !!!

On this site you have found more information, pictures, maps about this Dalmatian island Murter and around areas (National parks, beautiful places and old Dalmatians villages, beautiful beaches, camps, marinas,diving centres.......)

mapavelika.jpg (82812 bytes)

Island Murter...

tisnoavion.jpg (25563 bytes)
About island Murter:

NP Kornati...

npko5m.jpg (13312 bytes)
About National park "Kornati"... ( many days in year that so much islands in the kornats archipelago...)
-the most beautiful place for sailing, diving ... that is more than crystal sea...

NP Krka...

krkaj.jpg (14896 bytes)
About National park "Krka"...(river Krka in its course to the sea make a many beautiful waterfalls, cascades, river islands, sadra barriers...)


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                dive...     Big Game Fishing        Sv. Nikola          Tribunj

and many other....