Travel through my "family tree" of sorts. It's a beautiful trip.
(Click on the image for a larger view.)
My Grandma and Grandpa, holding hands. My Great Grandma, better known as G.G. She is looking again for a match! Here is my family -- Stepdad, Bob; Mom, Becky; Scottie and Shelby on a boat tour My Mom's first place float for Union City's Homecoming '99 Bob and Grandpa, pondering life My Aunt Sue learning how to rollerblade My cousin, Jasmine, and my sister, Shelby,
They are so cute.
Know any interested eligible men?
brother, Scott; and sister, Shelby.
of Lake Erie late this last summer.
showing off quilts from her store, The Sewing Loft.
over the Lake Erie waters.
from my brother, Scott.
chilling on the blacktop.
Take me home, Driver