<BGSOUND SRC="/midnightdawn_1/All_For_One.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Very proud member of The Presidential Prayer Team.
Hi I hope you enjoy these pages as much as i did making them. Here you will find things i've written over the years as well as links to sites i've done for others.
In this site you've found a place to sit back, read a lil, listen to some good sounds and maybe find yourself a few free graphics.
Have fun! :)
What do you see?
A page written in honor of those lost on Sept 11/01
A page in honor of the rescue workers, firemen and policemen
lost on Sept 11/01
Please visit One Nation.
Please visit Jayne's Prayer Closet
Ok now for some free Graphics.
For my Mother
An angel or...
State of Grace
For the Love of Jessie.
Into the Night..
E-mail me at..dawnsangel_1@yahoo.com
Unicorn Dreams
A Walk With Jesus..
In loving memory of..Holly, Mary Jean and Dannarriah..
missing children website link.
A good-bye to an old friend
MidnightAngel Web Designs PROUDLY stands behind the Pledge of this great nation..click here to support the pledge.
9/11/01 anniversary tribute
These pages all have special meaning for me in one way or another.They hold petitions,information on missing children,and things i have written for other websites,from tributes to 9-11-01 to other struggles our country faces everyday.I hope you enjoy them.While i do love writting, i can't say i enjoyed writting some of these things,as important as they are..they did make me think perhaps to much at times.
Thank you,Donna.
These next few pages are things i have written..for me..for the love i feel i must put out there..rather it be for a nation or someone in my life..Some may be dark but we all have those moments in life,some may make you smile,all i hope,will make you think..
Here you will find links to some of the other websites i've worked on.While i may not agree with everything on them,I am very proud to be associated with them.If you would like to trade links to either of my sites please email me at the address below.
Free Graphics at DawnsAngel..some very good ones here.
Music playing.All for One
Please visit DawnsAngel