About Tom's Nap Room

I am Tom and welcome tto my info
If you are looking for Two Tom's Christmas Trees, click here.

I currently work in the exciting field of drug and alcohol prevention. I enjoy my work, and ironically while seeing the struggle of the poor and huddled masses, it reaffirms my beliefe in conservatism.

Being from Pennsylvania, I was very happy to see our popular governor Tom Ridge get appointed to be director of the Homeland Security Department.
Two Toms
Here I am with American Hero, Tom Ridge
Two Toms
Here is my cat, Nittany Kitty

I consider myself a conservative libertarian. I believe in a self-reliance, free enterprise, and a government that allows people to succeed without high taxes, regulations, and other things that only impede progress.

I believe in a strong foreign policey that should promote democracy and defeat tyranny. So I am kinda Neo-Conservative when it comes to that.

I do think however that with liberty comes responsibility so socially I believe that people should do what is best for them. If we are to be leeza-faire when it comes to economics, we should allow people to make their own decisions, even if they are destructive.


I am an animal lover. I have a cat, two rabbits, a guinea pig, some fish, and a hamster.

I am married

I attended Penn State University

I was in the Blue Band

I own a Christmas Tree Farm

I play the jaw harp

Donate to my free speech fund,
and make me be your friend.

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