~Home Solutions~
Are you caught in the "if there were only
1 more hour in the day..." rut?
What would you do if you had spare time?

Is a little pampering like this in order?
Let us pick up the stamps, drop-off the cleaning,
rent that movie you were told was a "must see", and
run into Wal-Mart for those few household items.
Need a last minute gift but you're only spare
moment is the one used to do that required task
they call sleep? Call on us...we will make & deliver
baskets, purchase and wrap gifts for your holiday
list & we can even have them shipped so you aren't
spending your day waiting in those loooong lines.
"Assembly Required"...hmmm. Bought a gift without
realizing you needed a degree to put it together?
We will assemble items from toys to entertainment
centers. We'll even set-up that new computer or
Home Theatre System just in time to entertain your
guests for the coming New Year
Are you planning a vacation or one of our winter
visitors returning home. Wouldn't it be nice to have
the peace of mind things are taken care of even
when you're not home? We will collect the mail
and newspaper, water your plants, & keep an eye
on things. "Let us be there... When you can't"
Wouldn't it be grand to have a secretary to remind you
of special events, address cards or letters, and perhaps
arrange that vacation you've planned for months? Look
no further. We'll be your personal assistant so you
can enjoy life rather than play "beat the clock"
Call today to begin your holidays stress free...
Office: (480) 373-5897
Mobile: (602) 692-0520
Email: runners4u@email.com
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