Terrehaven Farms

Aerial photo
   About our Farm.
    We are in the custom heifer raising business.  Currently we are raising heifers for three Michigan dairies bringing our total animals on farm to 1250 head.  Our capacity depends on how many heifers our clients send to us, and if we add any additional dairies.  We farm around 700 acres, consisting of 300 acres of hay and 400 acres of corn and sudan grass used to feed all of these animals.
Here are some of our pages!
Equipment Farm Pictures
Steer Pictures
3007 Wolf Creek Hwy
Adrian, MI 49221
Contact Us
Phone: (517)265-7915
Cell Phones: (517)403-1504/403-1505
E-mail: terrehavenfarms@yahoo.com
Website: www.geocities.com/terrehavenfarms/