Bush Law Offices
Provider of Legal Services for the Business Community and Individuals


We are a general practice in all types of litigation in state and federal courts throughout Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. Criminal defense work, civil litigation, divorce and family law, contract disputes. Trials and Appeals. Bankruptcy. Estate and business planning. Serving small businesses and individuals. Addresses: Blackstone Centre, 302 South 36th, Suite 207, P.O. Box 31583, Omaha NE 68131 and 110 N. Oakland Ave., Oakland NE 68045. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

E-mail: galfridusbosk@yahoo.com


(402) 346-1947 (Omaha)

(402) 685-5151 (Oakland)


 A b o u t  U s
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 L e g a l    S e r v i c e s
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 I n  t h e  N e w s 
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 A s k  t h e  E x p e r t s 
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 L i v i n g  W i l l
Ever wondered what a living will is? Here is a form you can print out and use as a Living Will.


 D e p o s i t i o n  P o i n t e r s
Find out how to answer questions at a deposition.


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