This is Dr. Hans Le Fever's Website.
Hi ! Welcome to my website.
I have a strong interest in strategic planning for the 'digital business' and on this site I store material relating to that topic.
Most of the slides have been used in interactive workshops that I conduct with conference organisers such as EyeforEnergy, IQPC and IBC-Asia.
The articles are written to develop major issues in more detail
Feel free to make use of all material, but I would appreciate if you could mention its origin.
Please contribute to the further development of this site by dropping me a note on your views, any practical examples or questions you might have.
Also visit the website of my new company eNovITe:

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Click here for:
e-Business Planning:
Material from the interactive workshops, in Powerpoint viewer or Acrobat .PDF format

Recent more in-depth publications

EyeforEnergy workshop, Singapore (Oct 2001, Acrobat PDF format


SME Strategy for the e-World

Models in the Oil & Gas Industry

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Personal (private access only): The history of Jaarclub Mackintosh

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