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The Mic Travers Bush Music Site

a live bush music session by

Mic Travers

Australian Bush Musician & Bush Music Collector & Interpreter

All Songs Performed and Recorded by Mic Travers except (*)

All Songs are Full Songs!
Site updated regularly and songs posted by request

Request a New Tune via email

Traditional & Contemporary Tunes
written by
recorded by
Augethela Station traditional australian ballad mic travers
Black Velvet Band traditional australian ballad mic travers
Blind Harper of Wales traditional welsh ballad mic travers
Botany Bay traditional australian ballad mic travers
Bundegberg Rum traditional australian ballad mic travers
The Caltalpa traditional australian ballad mic travers
Cap In Hand  The Proclaimers mic travers
Cigaretes & Whiskey & Wild Wild Women ~ 1947 mic travers
Clear Indication mic travers mic travers
Ferny Hills Way mic travers original - copyright mic travers
Four Marys traditional scottish song mic travers
Hard Times irich american ballad mic travers
Hydrographer Song mic travers mic travers
Jim Jones of Botany Bay traditional australian ballad mic travers
Moreton Bay traditional australian ballad mic travers
Navigators traditional irish ballad mic travers
Overlander traditional australian ballad mic travers
Parting Glass traditional irish mic travers
Poor Ned Kelly tradtional australian mic travers
Seems Strange To Me Now mic travers original - copyright  mic travers
Spring Time It Brings On The Shearing traditional australian mic travers
Streets of London ~ 1960's mic travers
Union Song mic travers mic travers
Waltzing Matilda A. B. Patterson, tune traditional mic travers
When The Ship Comes In* Bob Dylan mic travers & the Dents
Wild Colonial Boy traditional australian mic travers
Would You Be Me Instead? mic travers original - copyright mic travers
Yankee Whalermen (Spanish Ladies) traditional irish american mic travers

To hear these tunes you will need
Realplayer G2 or later
(minimum version ~ 3.1Mbytes - freeware is sufficient)
Versions posted on this site use Real Producer for Realplayer G2
You only need the minimum version of G2 to play the tracks


Songs are updated regularly and requests via email are responded to post haste and while the billy boils. This site aims to generate the exchange of traditional Australian folk tunes in rough jammin' digital audio format.

This Folk-OzWebring site is owned by mic travers
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This Folk Music Web Ring site is owned by Mic Travers

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About the Author

Mic Travers has been performing his music live and participating in folk music sessions for over a decade.

Credits include extensive solo work plus roles in Line-ups such as The Snake Gully Bush Band, Four Folk Brothers, Money For Jam &  Viva La Musica & Most Recently Murphy and Freinds in Darwin Mic has been bringing traditional music to audiences from  Brisbane to Alice Springs to Melbourne to Darwin and many places in between.

Mic Travers Currently lives in Darwin and is available for bookings at functions, fairs, markets, outdoor events, pubs, clubs, cafes and roving gigs.

Aknowledgment and Disclaimer Notice

This site operates in the spirit of the folk tradition through the free and fertile exchange of music for enjoyment and pleasure.

Feel free to download, and re-distribute for personal use the music you hear although aknowledgment of this source is appreciated.

All songs presented are traditional Australian folk songs  (exect for a few contemporary numbers) and are sung and recorded by Mic Travers exept where noted. Sources of particular arangements are aknowlegded where available.

All recordings copyright 1999 - 2003 Mic Travers.  Thankyou for visiting this site

The Bush Music Site Was Last Updated
22 February 2003

Home & Bookings CD -Listen & Order Musical Bio Bush Music Swap Site