Read Carefully when you place an order . Sales Terms

On the Field Since 1957

Price List; Give us reference numbers of your current most interested items.  We'll surely offer you the most attractive, reasonable and competitive prices, please rest assured. Please keep in mind that our prices in United States Dollars. Also notify us the quantity you need.

Home Price list Sales Terms


CAT  GPC# 1029.   

Bagpipe Drone Cords, 100% Silky, hand made, available in any single color, 6 Foot Long 

CAT  GPC# 1029/w.    

Bagpipe Drone Cords, 100% woolen, Rope Style. available in any single color. 6 Foot Long 


Cat  GPC# 1030.   

Velvet Bag Cover,28x11 inches, matching fringe/braid with zip,  available in any  single color. 


CAT  GPC# 1031.   

Bagpipe Wooden case with clasps, handle and felt interior. Use for storage and transport of pipes.

CAT   GPC# 1031/A.

Bagpipe case. Use for storage and transport of pipes


CAT  GPC#1032   Little Mac Valve for Blow Pipe.

Yellow color Hemp

CAT  GPC#1033

Bagpipe Bass Drones Reeds, Pakistani Cane.    Per Dozen

CAT  GPC#1033/A.

    Bagpipe Tenor  Drones Reeds, Pakistani Cane.   Per Dozen


CAT  GPC# 1034.   Practice Chanter Reeds, made of Plastic sheet, per dozen .

CAT  GPC#1035.    Bagpipe Chanter Reeds, English Cane. Per dozen

CAT  GPC# 1035/p.

  Bagpipe Chanter Reeds, Pakistani Cane, Per dozen

CAT  GPC# 1035/Q.     Bagpipes Leather Bag Cow Hide in standard size 28" x 11", Made of Cow hide.  

CAT  GPC# 1035/R.    Bagpipe Leather Bag, Sheep skin leather in standard size 28" x 11".

CAT  GPC# 1035/S.  Bagpipe Cover, available in following tartan 

Royal Stewart, Mackenzie Tartan, Black Watch. with matching fringe.

Also Available in Green Plain Color, price on request

01. Items not listed can be supplied at competitive prices. 02. Agents and Sole Distributors Welcome at GREENLAND PIPE COMPANY

Home Price list Sales Terms