The Randolin Violin
l The Randolin Mandolin | Basses l Rent/Lease| About the Luthier

Specs for the Violin
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5 String Violin /
8 String Mandolin:
Electric & Acoustic
The Randolin is a concept combining old and new, antique and modern, the unchanging of the past with the ever changing of tomorrow. Using the historic viol shape, Luthier Randy Crosby has successfully blended the traditions of quality craftsmanship from violin makers of old with the emerging needs of modern professional musicians.


Rental/Lease Program
We rent, lease and sell Violins, Violas, Cellos and Basses -what's best for you?

New full sweet bending notes and vibrato!

The new Randolin acoustic Mandolins custom handmade by
Luthier Randy Crosby

Repair and Restoration

802-865-3890 or e-mail us at

The Randolin Violin
l The Randolin Mandolin l About the Luthier

l Specs for the Violin l Specs for the Mandolin l Contact Us l