The Freimann Family Tree

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Husband: Alex JESSEL {1,2} [See Notes]
Birth:                    16 May 1880 Weilburg , Germany {2}
Marriage:                 25 Dec 1913 Berta SICHEL {3}
                                      Schluechtern, Hessen
Address:                              Berta SICHEL
                                      Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Immigration:             abt Jul 1938 Berta SICHEL {2}
Death:                    16 Jan 1957 Zurich , Switzerland {3}

Father: Ferdinand JESSEL Mother: Gertrud STERN
Wife: Berta SICHEL {1} [See Notes]
Birth:                    25 Sep 1889 Schluechtern, Hessen
Marriage:                 25 Dec 1913 Alex JESSEL {3}
                                      Schluechtern, Hessen
Address:                              Alex JESSEL
                                      Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Immigration:             abt Jul 1938 Alex JESSEL {2}
Death:                    17 Feb 1961 Ville-d'Avray , France {3}

Father: Leopold SICHEL Mother: Jette MAINZER
F  Ruth JESSEL {3} [See Notes]
Birth:                       abt 1908

M  Frederic JESSEL [See Notes]
Address:                     abt 1950 Courbevoie (Seine) , France {3}

* Small numbers in brackets { } after names and events refer to source citations below.

* Numbers in brackets { } indicate the number reference in Bibliography.
  1. Archives of the Service for War Victims. (Brussels, Belgium). {1}
  2. Document: Letter concerning Alex Jessel
  3. Einwohnerkontrolle Schaffhausen. {2}

* Numbers in brackets { } indicate the number reference in Repository List.
  1. Archives of the Service for War Victims. (Brussels, Belgium). Most of this information comes from the "Police des Etrangers".
  2. Einwohnerkontrolle Schaffhausen. Registry of inhabitants , Schaffhausen.


Welcome to the Freimann family tree web-site. This site contains genealogical data of individuals related to my family , the Freimanns and the Katzenbergers from Germany , as well as my wife's family , the Lasnicks. I wish to thank Thea and Heinz Skyte , who have done a remarkable research on the Jewish Community of Sugenheim, for so generously sharing their "Freimann" data with me. Special gratitude also goes to David Seldner, my friend and cousin , and to Christiane Kohl , for their crucial help and contribution to the "Katzenberger" research. If you have any information or connections to the above individuals, please let me know. Thank you. Joach Freimann , Israel.

Web page built by Cumberland Family Tree, 29 Sep 2005