Hi Everyone!!  This page is dedicated to our good friend and that wonderful character Richard Doro...  and everyone who knows and loves Doro also knows that he is filled with plenty of "Doroisms"  This will be a place where you can add additional "Doroisms" when you think of them, (and we all think of them now and again)  The site will be updated periodically to include the additional new material.  We will be using the Guestbook format of Yahoo, for interactive usage, so bookmark this site, and add in your "Doroisms" as you remember them...
Now You Know Where the Bear Went in the Buckwheat!
Add Your "Doroisms" to the GuestBook!
Take er down Skipper... To Hell with the Pressure!
Goddam SunofaBitch!
Katy, Bar The Door!
I Hope to S..t in your Mess Kit!!!
It's colder than a whore's heart on PayDay!
I'm so T-U-R-D Tired I could F-A-R-T Faint
Shaking Like a Dog Chittin a Peach Seed!.
Drier than a Popcorn Fart
I'm so Hungry, my stomach's beginning to think my throat's been cut...
That went over like a Pork Chop in a Synagog...
Kinda makes Your Liver Quiver
Thinkin the Next one is an Avocado...
You go through _____ (Coke/Beer/Chips etc...) Like Salts through the Hired Girl!
You Little Scutter
I'm so Broke, I couldn't Buy a Piss Ant a Wrestling Jacket...
...... Golden Gate and 48
....... take her down Skipper
........ You Got the WATCH!
Don't Breath DEEP!
There'll be Enough to
Go Around for Everybody!
(said after passing gas)
I've Got to Pee so Bad I can Taste it...
It's starting to Taste so Good, I don't Want To!
Okay McTavich!
Way Back When Christ was a Pup...
You'd have thought I'd cut the nuts off the Pope!
He doesn't know whether his ass is Punched, Bored or Burnt!!!
Yeah But Just Think of the Experience Your Getting!
What We lack in Experience,
We Make up for in Courage...
If He's a ________, (truckdriver, welder, etc...) then I'm a ________ Aviator!
Sounds like You are between a Rock and a Hard Spot!
Geezius Keyrist!
You couldn't Drive a tack with a Sledgehammer!!!!
He/She is about as Handy as a Dose of Clap!
You couldn't Hit an Elephant in the Ass with an Ironing Board!!
I'm lucky my Ass is Attached!
How Ya Doin Punkin?
You're Going to Hell in a Hand-basket!