Northern Region III |
Metis Nation of Saskatchewan |
Don Favel, Area Director
Box 201, Ile a la Crosse, Sask. S0M 1C0
Many Metis people in Saskatchewan's Northwest speak Michif and think they are speaking Cree. This database will provide a good resource base of Michif speaking Metis so make sure you register your name. Just click on the blinking underlined words.
Metis hunters on Lac Isle a la Crosse; painting by Roger Jerome son-in-law of Nap Johnson. |
Northwest Saskatchewan Metis are the majority in all the communities, outside of First Nation lands. Socio-economics has in the past been pretty much welfare-based with seasonal employment from commercial fishing, trapping, wild rice, fire fighting and whatever income one could find. Historically this included mink ranchers, small private sawmills as well as the missionaries.
Since the 1970's the mining industry in particular, the uranium industry has created many direct and indirect employment opportunities for the residents of NR III. The newest industry has been the forestry sector where many Metis are now involved in various capacities from employees of forestry companies to Metis themselves getting involved as contractors in harvesting and delivering raw wood fibre to the various commercial saw mills such as Mistik and Weyerheauser Corporations.
The Metis have struggled to find the necessary financial institutions and government committment required to turn economic development proposals into reality. As an Aboriginal group recognized under the Canadian Constitution we continue to strive for the federal government's fiduciary duty for the Metis. With a little financial support from the province and some federal dollars in the form of training money, Northern Region III has been able to create some training in forestry. NR III also has a catering contract at McArthur River. NR III is currently striving towards more active participation in forestry and in particular harvesting of the burn areas within NR III jurisdiction.
I hope you come back often to visit and use our site for your employment and training research.
Click on the Mailbox to send me a note!
Copyright - NR III - 1999
Created by: MJDurocher - The Metis
All photos on this site by Mike Durocher except where noted.