Just some of the groups and people that you may know that could benefit from our Books as a Fundraiser….

How does your Group or Association benefit?

Make $3.00 on Each Sale

We believe it is so important to encourage early reading in young children that as an incentive to groups we are offering a discount for bulk purchases. When your group participates in this event you nominate how many brochures you require for your members. Your organisation will then receive a discount of $3.00 for each book ordered. There are no up-front booking payments and we will pay the freight on delivery Australia wide on group orders, which means no hidden costs. An ideal way to raise funds for your favorite charity, raise funds for your group/association, or give your members a $3.00 discount, it's totally up to you!


The ONLY Hard Covered Books of their type in Australia are superb value at:

JUST $15.95 each but with your $3.00 discount you pay ONLY $12.95 each


How to Participate?

Bookings are essential so simply download, complete and return the Fundraiser Booking Form from our Downloads Section to book a place between March and October on our limited yearly print run calendar but please note that bookings are only open until our limited print run calendar is full, so you must book early to avoid missing out. Your completed form may be either posted to us or returned as an e-mail attachment.

What is included in our Fundraiser Pack?

Colour order brochures, a master introductory letter to purchasers and easy step-by-step coordinator instructions, which are supplied free of charge will be sent to you as a single Fundraiser Pack in time for your booked event. Your completed orders and payment, when received by the nominated date, will be given priority and delivered within four weeks.

Hoping that you will consider taking advantage of this outstanding opportunity.

Yours Sincerely,



Margaret Holmes

Better Books and Publishing

Any group can participate:

· Bowls clubs

· Charity organisations

· Playgroups

· Child minding centres

Any person may purchase:

· Grandparents

· Friends

· Relatives

· Workmates

· Carers

How our Fundraising works

Reasons for Purchase:

· Birthdays

· Christmas

· End of year Memento

· Special occasion

· Celebrate birth

· Popular adult birthday novelty

Raise funds for:

· Charity

· New equipment

· End of year break up

· Subsidised group activities