Order Your Child's Next Adventure



It's as simple as 1, 2, 3, …..  Look, it's me!


Please print clearly ALL details as you would like them to appear in your Book/s taking care when entering your Child's age as this age is printed in the Book/s. (you may enter a child’s age if he/she is under one year as eg: “six months”) All details marked ã are required including purchaser name and must be completed for your order to be processed.


Who else can I include in the story?

Friends may include brothers and sisters or the child's best friends or even toys - any of these are great companion characters. Parents are usually as the child refers to them ie. "Mummy" and/or "Daddy". Others usually include Grandparent/s or Uncles and Aunts. A two line greeting from the purchaser may also be included and can be up to 30 characters long for each line. More than one book may be ordered for each child by ticking the appropriate Book Title Boxes. No changes or alterations are possible once your order is accepted so please, to avoid disappointment, take care with the details.


Total the number of Books ordered at the PLEASE SEND ME prompt on each child’s order form then multiply this total by $15.95 (includes Postage & Handling) and enter this at the Dollar prompt on each order form. Add the Dollar prompts from ALL forms together and put the final total in one "A" box at the bottom. This is the amount to send to us.




1.           HOW TO ORDER


Complete the Payment details on the Order Form ensuring you print clearly all details including total at "A" on order form and total number of ALL books ordered. If you are paying by cheque or money-order please make it payable to "Better Books and Publishing" and cross cheques "Not Negotiable" printing your address, phone number and name on the back.

Place your order form/s with payment details and return mailing details along with cheque/money order (if applicable) in an envelope and send to the address listed on the payment form.


 2.          HOW TO PAY