Hi, my name is Mhairi (its pronounced Vari by the way) and welcome to my site designed especially for other dogs who, like me, are very fond of sticks!

It has long been my belief that "Every dog should have it's day" and now as the Internet has taken off in such a big way I am beginning to realise that "Every dog should have it's own WebSite" too!!

Well, this is mine and I hope you like it.

It contains lots of stick related issues, including a Stick Tutorial,  how to get around the human deception techniques (giving us things to chew that are not sticks!), Links to other stick and dog related sites and a great new game that gets around the age old problem of not being able to chew sticks in the house.  For the purist stick chewer there is an electronic stick mail order service available which means that you will never be without a good stick again!

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