Tour to Park-kled


Park-kled is a subberban country about 40 Km. nort-west of Bangkok. We went by boat. It took only about one hour to be there. The people, mostly are farmer. They grew many kind of fruit. Durean is a very famous plant and very expensive too. This kind of fruit has a very strong smell, some foreigner said. It hard to bite a first piece, but it hard to stop even the last pice is gone. Why do they say ? Because the taste is so good untill the smell is foegotten. Now the farmer try to select the new species with low smell and not to tender also the taste is not too sweet, the name is MORN-THONG the meaning is a golden pillow. It is the best one. Many people love to eat. Unfotunatly the season was only from May to July. So on this trip was no Durian...sorry !

We visit the pottery commune to see how they do. The pot are made of clay, after burn in the kiln for a weak, after cooled then all finished every pieces has the same color not really red but brick's color. The price is low as unbelivable. They did not do only pots but many kind of soulvania like mobiles hang against the win, some tiny things for children and many kinds of house and garden decoration things.

On the way back. We visit Wat Chalerm-pra-kieat. The valuable memory of the grand mother of the King Rama III. It built about two hundred years ago. They shows many kinds of gift from the king to his grand mother, still kept there, the out side of the building was flowers. I took a lots of pictures to show you below.
