Old CNW Pictures

Most of these pictures I received from a friend that recently retired from the Chicago & Northwesern RR. He started with them as a fireman in the mid 50's and retired a year after the Union Pacific RR bought them out.

This first photo was taken in the Eagle Grove, IA RR yard in the mid 50's.
This photo shows an overhead view of the Eagle Grove yard after a large number of steam locomotives had been lined up in front of the round house to be taken to the scrap yard after being replaced by new diesel engines.
This is a photo from my own collection. It is of a passenger train crossing the Des Moines river on the old Chicago Great Western line in Fort Dodge, IA in the early 1920's. The CGW RR was later bought out in the 1960's by the C&NW RR and became part of its regular route.
Here is a picture taken of the ice house in the Eagle Grove yard in the mid 1950's.
This photo was also taken in the Eagle Grove yard in the 1950's of the large coaling tower that was just east of the round house.
This is a picture of the Occidental Hotel in Eagle Grove, IA. It was built in 1883 and served as the C&NW depot and a well patronized hotel until 1937.
Here is a picture of the C&NW Roundhouse day crew taken in 1899.
Here is a beautiful picture of an eastbound Illinois Central steam engine taken from an overhead bridge as it passed the National Gypsum plant on the south edge of Fort Dodge, IA.
This picture was is of the CGW Depot in Fort Dodge, IA in the 1950's.

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