Making the web working for you.

Please visit our new siteNow Called INTERTIENDAS S.A. de C.V. with full products for e-commerce

Spanish version

Who are we?

We are a group of developers, Networking & DataBase consultants who works togheter to provide a complete set of solutions for enterprises who are looking a bussines model to exploit the web as the present and future for sistems & commercial transactions.

Which is the Vision?

Making the web a real distribution chanel for the products and services of your bussines, and giving to the corporate INTRANETS the hability to supply information to the web for potential clients.

Which is the strategy ?

To use innovative and well-proved information technologies, such as Linux , Java, Postgresql, TclTk, GNU, etc, in order to meet the requirements for that goal.

This is complemented with an value-added service of consulting and troubleshouiting of sistems of our clients.

Where do we go?

We are building a VirtualPlace where our clients can put vital information of their enterprises, exchange electronic commerce, using the information systems we made before for them, not only for their internal information flow (sales, taxes, journals,etc), but really "exploiding" the web, adquiring sales orders,etc. Also working as a exhibition hall for their products, an advertising channel for their clients, a exelent tool for daily "taking decisions" .

Which are the members of our team?

Click Here to find a complete list and curriculums of our develop team.

How can you contact with us?

You can reach us at email : and you will recive a complete guide of our Products and Services , as well as a personal consultant wich is going to take care of your bussines and information needs, providing you the best solution be made with the equipment you have NOW, or add a minimal hardware and software components for upload your bussines into the greates market in the history: The Web.

If you would prefer, you can call us directly at phone (5) 617-79-48 in Mexico City, or can write at Av. San Jorge Mnz. 646 Lt 16 Santa Ursula Coapa, Coyoacan, Mexico DF, Mexico.

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