IN AND FOR _____________ COUNTY,

STATE OF ___________


IN RE : The Marriage of


Husband, Petitioner,



Wife, Respondent.


We, Husband , and Wife, were married on ________________________ .Because of difficulties in our marriage which are put forth as grounds for dissolution; we have made this agreement to settle once and for all the matters set forth below. Each of us states that nothing has been held back, that we own, that we have honestly included everything we could think of in listing the property that we own, that we have honestly disclosed out income to each other, and each of us states that we believe the other one has been open and honest in writing up this agreement. Each of us agrees to sign and exchange any papers that might be needed to complete this agreement.


[ . ] *We will have joint, legal and physical custody of the minor child(ren),

_________________________________________________ [ . ] Other:

* If a joint Custody Agreement, a signed Joint Parenting Agreement is attached.



Husband and Wife shall each share jointly the legal and physical custody and care of our minor children.

Both parents shall have all the rights and duties of a parent at all times, including: the right to receive information from the other parent concerning the health, education and welfare of the child(ren); to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making decisions concerning the health, education and welfare of the child(ren); of access to medical, dental, psychological and educational records of the child(ren); to consult with a physician, dentist or psychologist of the child(ren); the right to consult with school officials concerning the child(ren)'s welfare and educational status, including school activities; the right to attend school activities; the right to be designated on any records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; and the right to manage the estate of the child to the extent the estate has been created by the parent or the parent's family.

Both Parents shall confer with each other on all important matters concerning the health, education and welfare of the children. If matters arise that they are unable to agree upon, the issue shall be submitted to a professional for dispute resolution or arbitration.

Both will encourage a positive relationship between the children and the other parent.

Both Parents shall share jointly the following rights, duties, privileges, and powers at all times; including; to direct the moral and religious training of the child(ren) during periods of possession; the duty of care, control, protection and reasonable discipline of the child(ren), including providing the child(ren) with clothing, food, shelter, and medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; and the power to consent to medical, dental and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the child(ren).

Neither parent shall conceal a child's whereabouts from the other parent nor remove a child from the state for more than ____ days without prior written consent of the other parent.

The residence of the children shall remain in, State of ________________ until further order of the court.

The children will keep the father's surname and not take on the Mother's maiden name or the name of any new spouse, at least until the child is eighteen years of age and is old enough to make that decision for themselves. The following grandparent(s), shall succeed the non-custodial parent in their rights of visitation and temporary possession of the children in the event the non-custodial parent dies before each child is eighteen years of age:_________________________________.

For any child under the age of three years, the terms of the attached Schedule for the Possession of Minor Children shall take effect on that child's third birthday, and until such time, the schedule shall be at the specific times and places set forth in the attached Schedule for Possession of Children Under the Age of Three Years which is incorporated herein for all purposes by this reference.

AGREED CHILD SUPPORT: The basis of the agreed support for the benefit of our children established by this agreement is based on the following facts;

We make this agreement freely without coercion, threat or duress. We declare that this agreement is in the best interest of our child(ren) and that the needs of the children will be adequately met by the agreed amount. We are fully informed of our rights concerning child support and of the guidelines for establishing child support put forth by the state and presumed to be in the best interest of the child(ren).

The right to support has not been assigned to the office of the Attorney general in consideration for the receipt of payments from the state for the support of the children and no public assistance application is pending.

As for child support: The parties are capable of supporting their minor child(ren) and neither parent shall pay child support to the other parent. Husband, hereinafter Obligor shall pay to Wife, herein after Obligee, a total of ___________________ per month, payable in advance on the 1st day of month immediately following the rendition of this agreement between and among the parties and a like amount being due and payable on the same day of each subsequent month thereafter continuing until the earliest of any of the following conditions occur for any child subject of this suit: the child reaches the age of 18 years and thereafter do long as the child is fully enrolled in an accredited primary or secondary school in a program leading toward a high school diploma, until the end of the school term in which the child graduates; the child marries; the child's disabilities are otherwise removed for general purposes; the child is otherwise emancipated; the child dies; or further agreement and order of the court.

The child support obligation shall terminate upon the death of the custodial parent receiving child support provided the payor assumes full custody of the children, otherwise, the child support obligation shall continue being paid to the third party assuming primary custody and child rearing responsibilities for the children as successor to the primary custodial parent.

MEDICAL HEALTH INSURANCE: For the term of the child support obligation for each child, Husband shall carry and maintain medical health insurance for the benefit of said child(ren). The reasonable health care costs not covered by any policy of health insurance shall be paid as follows; Obligor shall pay __% and Obligee shall pay ____ %.

CHILD CARE: As additional child support, Obligor, shall pay to Obligee a total of $_______ per month, payable in advance on the 1st day of each month, commencing on the first day in the month immediately following the parties rendition of this agreement and continuing as long as child care is necessary and actually being paid.

LIFE INSURANCE: To ensure the availability of funds to support the parties' minor children in the event of either parent's death, both parties agree to carry and maintain a policy of life insurance in the amount of $___________, and shall name as sole irrevocable beneficiaries the surviving parent who shall assume full custody of the children upon the death of the other parent, with said insurance proceeds to be used to ensure the support of the child(ren).

DEPENDENT CHILD EXEMPTION: Wife Husband, shall have the right to claim the dependency exemption for the child.

CHILD SUPPORT [ ] The [ ] Husband[ ] Wife agrees to pay the sum of__________________per month as support and maintenance for the minor child(ren) in the physical custody of the other parent. Child support shall be adjusted, according to the then existing child becoming 18 years of age and emancipated, including graduation from high school; the death of a child; or a legal change in custody.

[ ] The [ ] Husband [ ] Wife agrees to maintain health insurance coverage for the minor child/ children as long as such insurance is available at a reasonable group rate.

[ ] Other (include agreement on claiming children for tax exemptions):


We shall each keep our own personal clothing and effects, unless otherwise indicated below. We divide our property as follows:

1. Husband Transfers to Wife as sole and separate property, and Husband is divested of all right, title, and interest in and to the following property:

Household Furniture, etc. All household furniture, furnishings, fixtures, goods, appliances, and equipment in the possession of or subject to the control of Wife.

Clothing, etc. All clothing, jewelry, and other personal effects in the possession of or subject to the control of Wife.

Cash. All cash in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Wife.

Checking Accounts. All checking accounts at all banks or other financial institutions which stand in the sole name of Wife or from which Wife has the sole right to withdraw funds.

Credit Union Accounts. All credit union accounts at all credit unions which stand in the sole name of Wife or from which Wife has the sole right to withdraw funds:

Certificates of Deposit. All certificates of deposit at all banks or other financial institutions which stand in the sole name of Wife or from which Wife has the sole right to withdraw funds.

Life Insurance. All policies of life insurance insuring the life of Wife.

Employment Benefits. All sums and all rights related to any profit sharing plan, retirement plan, pension plan, or like benefit program existing by reason of Wife's past, present, or future employment and not otherwise awarded to Husband in this decree.

2. Wife Transfers to Husband as sole and separate property and Wife is divested of all right, title, and interest in and to the following property:

Household Furniture, etc. All household furniture, furnishings, fixtures, goods, appliances, and equipment in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Husband.

Clothing, etc. All clothing, jewelry, and other personal effects in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Husband.

Cash. All cash in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Husband

Checking Accounts. All checking accounts at all banks or other financial institutions which stand in Husband's sole name or from which Husband has the sole right to withdraw funds.

Credit Union Accounts. All credit union accounts at all credit unions which stand in the sole name of Husband or from which Husband has the sole right to withdraw funds:

Certificates of Deposit. All certificates of deposit at all banks or other financial institutions which stand in the sole name of Husband or from which Husband has the sole right to withdraw funds.

Life Insurance. All policies of life insurance insuring the life of Husband.

Employment Benefits. All sums and all rights related to any profit sharing plan, retirement plan, pension plan, or like benefit program existing by reason of Husband's past, present, or future employment and not otherwise awarded to Wife in this decree.


Husband shall pay, as a part of the division of the estate of the parties, the following and shall indemnify and hold Wife and Wife's property harmless from any failure to so discharge these items:

Any and all debts, charges, liabilities, and other obligations incurred solely by Husband from and after __________________(DATE) unless express provision is made in this decree to the contrary.

All debt associated with any property awarded to Husband.


Wife shall pay, as a part of the division of the estate of the parties, the following and shall indemnify and hold Husband and Husband's property harmless from any failure to so discharge these items: Any and all debts, charges, liabilities, and other obligations incurred solely by Wife from and after __________________(Date) unless express provision is made in this decree to the contrary. All debt associated with any property awarded to Wife.


[ ] No alimony shall be awarded to either party.

[ ] The [ ] Husband [ ] Wife shall pay alimony to the other party in the sum $_____________ per _________, for a period of ___________________; or until the { ] Husband [ ] Wife dies or remarries, whichever occurs first. ATTORNEY FEES (IF APPLICABLE):

DATED: ______________

Petitioner signature _______________________

Name Husband_________________________________

Address ______________________________________

Telephone No. ___________________


Respondent signature_______________________

Name Husband_________________________________

Address ______________________________________

Telephone No. ___________________

SWORN TO and signed before me



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