Elissa - 02/14/00 03:03:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/dermondale/index.html
My Email:DermondaleBlue@netscape.net
Your Favorite Horse Breed: Thoroughbred
Your Favorite Horse Color: chestnut, bay
Nice page! Please check out all my LSQ Breyer models, tack, and accessories for sale.
Breyer Lover - 01/22/00 03:58:27
Your Favorite Breyer Mold: cigar or zippo pine bar...can't decide which!!!!
Your Favorite Horse Breed: quarter horse
Your Favorite Horse Color: black w/ high white markings
Your Favorite Fantasy Horse: any
Where is Area 51: nevada
Are You An X-Phile: yes
coll site. cool customs!
Linda Burket - 12/19/99 00:37:20
My URL:http://modelfriesians.ontheInter.net/
My Email:FolkvangFriesian@aol.com
Your Favorite Breyer Mold: Misty's Twilight`
Your Favorite Horse Breed: Friesian
Your Favorite Horse Color: Black
I enjoyed looking through your pages. The Pegacorn looks like it's going to be very impressive.
Cindy - 09/26/98 04:14:32 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Jeannie, your stuff is so cool (as usual!)
I can hardly wait for my Pegasus!
Barb Whitcomb - 03/16/98 05:50:43
My Email:horse@ctel.net
Your Favorite Breyer Mold: Performance horse
Your Favorite Horse Breed: Appaloosas
Your Favorite Horse Color: black leapards ( appys)
Your Favorite Fantasy Horse: Unicorns
Where is Area 51: Az ?
Are You An X-Phile: Nope
Howdy !! your page is cool ! I like your Unicorn
Your horses are nice too. I'd like your free
catalog. My addy is: Barb Whitcomb, Morning
star ranch, 477 So. Monmouth Rd, Monmouth,Maine, 04259 . THanks !! Barb
Corinne - 03/16/98 00:39:19
My Email:AngelQH@aol.com
Your Favorite Breyer Mold: Lady Phase!
Your Favorite Horse Breed: Quarter Horse
Your Favorite Horse Color: Red Dun
Your Favorite Fantasy Horse: any and all :)
nice page!! Beautiful horses :)
Maggie Moss - 03/15/98 03:07:20
My Email:mossrock1@juno.com
Your Favorite Breyer Mold: Traditional-Fighting Stallion!
Your Favorite Horse Breed: All Pony breeds
Your Favorite Horse Color: Black
Your Favorite Fantasy Horse: Your new Winged Unicorn
Where is Area 51: Ummm, cyberspace?
Are You An X-Phile: X is my letter
Jeannie! I'm so glad you got some pics up!
Let me know when you update again.
Martha - 03/15/98 02:52:23
Your Favorite Breyer Mold: Clyde Stallion, Friesian, Perchy (Too many to list!)
Your Favorite Horse Breed: Drafters, Drafters, Drafters!
Your Favorite Horse Color: Dapple Grey - White
Your Favorite Fantasy Horse: Unicorns!
Where is Area 51: That's classified!
Are You An X-Phile: Mulder's my man! :-)
I love your fantasy models!