Scohy Stone Gallery - Zimmerman's Family and FriendsScohy Stone Gallery and Life with John and Gwen Zimmerman
Zimmerman Family and Friends Scohy and Stone
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Just Added! Old Family Photos - More to come Story of my rooster from Goldenseal Magazine (Page 9) and Trip to Branson, MO (Page 5) Thanksgiving, 2008
Gwen Zimmerman - Scohy Stone Grandchildren
From the Beautiful Colorado Rockies
Since my husband and I retired from Ball Aerospace - he has a new interest. He discovered garage sales and our house is loaded with his "good finds." In self defense and to get the clutter out of our home I have decided to list on ebay.
Now every beautiful week-end morning when he is out finding good buys I can hopefully be selling his last years finds.
We have a great collection of Fire King and bar collectibles. Also, I have a large collection of Barbies. Then there is our collection of old advertising signs. This year he started bringing home smoking collectibles.