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Enter The Sala
A Filipino term for living room. Here is where I entertain my visitors. You can chat here or sign/view my guestbook. My email address is also here.
Enter The Dining Room
Would you like to know more about me? Follow me to the dining room and let's talk over dinner. Check out my classfied ads or shout to the world with my yellbox.
Enter The Kitchen
Want to know what's cooking in my kitchen? Surprise yourself! Come on in and play free online game.
Enter The Family Room
In the family room is where I relax and unwind. Join me! I have here my orignal poem and a poem given to me.
Enter The Library
Travel with me through time as you read about me. Feel the excitement, celebrate the love, triumph on my achievements and share the joys of simple yet adventurous chapters of my existence.
Enter The Bedroom
Spend a very special time with me in my bedroom. Feel the romance. Sing the song. Let love fill your senses. Get to know what will make me fall in love and put a sweet smile on my face.
Enter The Guestroom
What's new and what's happening! Interesting stories and updates that catches my attention. Share them with me. The guestroom is the place to be for all guests' feedback.
Enter The Music Room
Music video for everyone. Enter my music room and check out my favorite songs.
Enter Cinema
Movie trailers for everyone. Enter the cinema and check out my favorite movies.
Enter The Garage
Travel to my different places in the World Wide Web. Just click on any link. Coming up soon is the address of my vacation house.
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Eastwood City Condo
Wowowee Scam
William Hung - She Bangs
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