Home On The Web!

Hi there! This is the service for those of you out there who want to maintain a presence on the World Wide Web!

Mission Statement.

My service is devloped for those of you out there that want to maintain a presence on the WWW but can't afford those monthly rates or don't have the know how or time to make one yourself. I want to help you out so e-mail me! I won't guarantee that your page will be made the same day you order it but I will try to get it done with in a week to a week and a half. Please look at my rates on the page below and see what you think :o)

Perfect Pages does sites INTERNATIONALLY!! The only requirements is that you pay a downpayment of 25% and of course that I know the language that you want it in.

Yah but won't this cost me alot of money?? I mean I heard that some places charge like $1200.00 for 5 pages!

Well yes that is true that some places do that. BUT I will only charge you a minium of $25.00 and unless you decide to get more than one of the most expencive packages or enhance the package that you buy the maximun fee would be JUST $50.00

My Rates.
Personal Package #1 - $25.00 

One web page with a pic of your choice. Your personal info, e-mail link, Visitor counter and it is all saved to disk for your placement on the Web.

Personal Package #2 - $35.00 

One web page with a pic of your choice. Your personal info, e-mail link, Visitor counter, a free Guest Book, and it is posted to a web page server of your choice!

Business Package #1 - $50.00 

3 web pages with 3 pics of your choice. Your personal info, your business info, e-mail link, Visitor counter and it is all saved to disk for your placement on the Web. A Guest Book is also available once your site has been posted.

All The Extras  

Web page posting to the internet - $10.00 per page. 
Updates on existing pages - $10.00 
3.5" Floppy Disks - $1.00
Print outs - $1.00 per sheet  
Picture Scanning - $5.00 per pic.

Here are some Pages that I have designed including my own! ENJOY!
 Josh's Domain (my index)   My Mom - Page 1 (mine) 
 A Winnie the Pooh Page (mine)   My John McD Page (mine) 
 Rosie O'Donnell - A Goddess (mine)   What's new with Rosie... (mine) 
 Josh's Card Site - send a e-card to someone (mine)   ~~ Write On!~~ (Mom's Page that I designed) 
 Cantwell House Bed And Breakfast (I Designed)   Kevin Kelly's Page(Client Page that I designed for) 
 Sandy Goulding' Home on the WWW (Client Page that I designed)   Mary Hodder's Page(Client Page that I designed for) 
 Kevin's Gillian Anderson Page (Client Page that I designed)  Center Ice Sports Pub On-Line (Client Page that I designed)

Please use the e-mail image to e-mail me or click on the link to sign my guest book.

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page as a Starting Point Hot Site.

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