- 10/07/00 17:26:34
My Email:kevin@kevindixon.junglelink.co.uk
I have the worlds oldest window cleaning trade journal dated april 1913,issue one,& priced at one penny. It was issued by The window cleaners federated association which were based in Blackburn, England.would you like a free copy?,if so perhaps you will e-mail your posting address.
yours kevin dixon.
kevin dixon window cleaning.
Vinovich - 09/12/99 16:31:27
My Email:vinovich@nbnet.nb.ca
Tim Meglio - 11/25/98 02:46:12
My Email:Meglio@Mail.USA.com
Nalan Lokey - 11/21/98 03:46:43
My Email:nlokey@yahoo.com
Would you like a FREE Quote: no
Nice house you use in your site. Is it one that you clean windows on? Have a nice day!!!!!! Nalan
Scott Fithian - 09/30/98 06:02:51
My Email:sfith@gte.net
great site.
Iam a window cleaning company in Seattle Wa.
Thanks for the tips
Cindy - 09/26/98 03:30:08 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Welcome aboard the Maritimes webring!
yuming ye - 06/10/98 17:41:24
This is cool!
John Riley - 04/13/98 01:39:46
My Email:rileyswc@planeteer.com
Would you like a FREE Quote: Nope
Just thought I'd let you know I was here. Wanted to check ouot another Canadian's page. Keep in touch. John
Angie - 03/25/98 12:34:17
My Email:angie_duplessis@hotmail.com
Would you like a FREE Quote: YES
Type of house/bldg: House
Approx. # of windows: 10
Street address: You know where
Please, Please, Please come do my windows......They are really dirty, and I don't know any windowcleaners!!!!!