Graciela Giordano

International Services


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  Translation:   French - Spanish - English

Translation services:

English, French, Italian and Portuguese into Spanish


The translated document is offered in the following formats (IBM-PC compatible):

* Word
* WordPerfect
* ASCII Text
* Excel
* Lotus

All hard copies are laser-printed.


Rates will highly depend on the project and will be quoted on a case-by-case basis.

Payment options:

Payment can be made by check, money order, bank draft, or cash:
* we require a downpayment for the 50% of the quoted price
* the remaining 50% is required as soon as the product is finished and before final delivery.

End product delivery:

You will receive the translation as a laser-printed hard copy. You have the option of receiving the translated document also:

* by e-mail as a file
* on 3 1/2" diskettes
* by fax

There is no charge for handling delivery by e-mail or fax.

There is an additional charge for shipping and handling diskettes or a laser hard copy. This charge will be determined depending on the destination city.

Graciela Giordano
4732 Guénette, Chomedey
Laval (Québec)
H7T 2V1  Canada
Telephone/fax: 1-450-978-1086
Cellular/messages: 1-514-808-8156

Graciela Giordano International Services

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