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 | My design work is what I am happiest
doing. I use a computer to do all of it. I often do
it late at night when there are no ringing phones, couriers to schedule or dogs to
be let in
and out. What kind of design you ask? Well everything that can be printed on
laminated, or put on a T-shirt, cap or mug. I also do photo editing. (Want to get
rid of
your "EX" in those wedding pictures?)
 | My editorial work is for "The News", a monthly
newspaper serving four small towns,
that I started last December. It is supported by the advertising of local
businesses. Most
of the work is done in the first week and last week of the month.
The first week I do all my
phoning to line up articles and advertising. The last week I do all the rest. This
consists of
some writing, scanning in articles, designing ads and of course, a little chop
chop here and there,
as all good editors are obliged to do. (Necessary or not, its obligatory.) Then l do the
praying everything will fit with no left-over space. |
 | I currently print small quantities (up to 500) of business cards,
brochures flyers etc. in house. Larger
and glossy paper orders I send to a service bureau that I deal with regularly,
who gives me quality
work and a fast turnaround at wholesale prices. They also print the News.
 | Although my background is computers, I got the shock of my life
the first time I went to
a company as a consultant to document their system and was introduced to a PC
than a secretary. My salvation was a great technician who recognized my problem
took the time (his lunch hours) to teach me what to do with it. He was so
and in love with these machines that I soon caught the bug too. That was an eight
contract and before the end of it I had bought my own PC. There has been no
back since. I now do all of my own maintenance and upgrades on both my systems as
well as those of my family and friends.
E-Mail me.


© By DocuArt
Modified 02/17/99