About Me


The Goods About Me

I 'm married with 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren and I own my own business. To see some pictures and read some family anecdotes use the button on my home page, do the same to see where I live. Or read on to check out my background and experience.

I've spent the last 15 years as a consulting systems analyst. I did documentation projects for large corporations and government. My specialty was writing manuals for systems that had been around for awhile but never documented. I usually trained the customer's staff to continue writing and how to maintain the manuals, so I did quite a bit of teaching too. I usually had a free hand in the design, structure, and production of all materials. This was the part that I really loved.

Prior to consulting I designed and sold business forms for a major producer. This gave me business forms design and sales experience. So I got my self some graphics arts training and started DocuArt.

The company is 8 years old now and I'd like to say its been a breeze but there was a lot of long hours and hard work. After 5 years of growing success, the company had to relocate from Montreal to Seeley's Bay, Ontario. (From a big city to a very small town.) Of course that meant rebuilding my customer base from scratch in a much smaller market. But things are back to normal now.

I'm situated right on one of the beautiful Rideau Lakes, I'm doing what I enjoy doing, with the added bonus of being able to work form my home.

I'm a happy cat!

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Please browse the rest of this site to get to know me better.  You can also use the link on my home page to visit my on-line office or use my email to send me your comments.

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© By Ann Burnett 02/17/99