 | Do not use any custom stuff that comes with FP (CGI) scripts. Such as counters,
forms and feedback boxes. |
 | Once you have saved everything to your web, use Win95 Explorer or your favorite
file manager to go to the Webshare directory, the wwwroot subdirectory. Look for your web,
then check in each of its subdirectories for files with the following extensions; |
 | .inf Geo. does not accept .inf files.
 | .elm (this is only one file however it can be anywhere). |
 | .cnt (Geo does not like other peoples counters). |
 | .uf8 or any file with a number in the extension. |
 | Delete these files, doing so will not harm your web, any themes used will be on
your Geo. site. |
PS If you reopen any pages of your web in Front Page then resave them before
uploading them, the files mentioned above will be regenerated, so they must be deleted
 | Use Publish in front page to upload your web. |
 | In the first screen (the one that asks you if you want to find a service provider on its
left side) press the more webs button, enter http://www.geocities.com/xxxx/yyyyy
where the x is your neighborhood and the y is your Geo. address, (you may
also need to enter a longer address). You only need to enter this info. the first time you
publish to Geo. (It will be on the list of sites afterwards. |
 | Nothing will happen on your screen for awhile, (publish will be
checking that the addy. (Geospeak for address) is a valid one. Then a screen will appear
asking for your FTP address. Enter ftp.geocities.com DO NOT ENTER A PATH.
Nothing will happen on your screen for awhile, (publish will be
checking that the ftp addy. is a valid one.
 | Then you will get a screen asking for your username and password,
enter them. |
Nothing will happen on your screen for awhile, maybe for several
minutes, Front Page is trying to get through to Geo.
If nothing happens for over 5 Min. Geo. is probably jammed or
down. Try again latter.
 | It's also a good idea to send up a few pages at a time
when possible, do this by using the changed pages only check box when you publish. |