J & M Orchids Website


Order Info

Care Tips


What's New


Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you enjoy browsing all the different features of this site.

Located in San Diego, California, we offer a huge selection of fine quality orchids such as Vandas, Dendrobiums, Cattleyas, Epidendrums, and many other species.

Founded in 1996, J & M Orchids has become a well known name in Southern California. At first no one knew about us, but by attending many of the major shows, and receiving many ribbons and awards for our plants, slowly people started coming around.

Our catalogue shows the many fine orchids that we have to offer. Many of the plants you will find in our catalogue are Vandacous genera, Dendrobiums, and Cattleyas. We will update the catalogue very frequently with more different types of orchids. So make sure you check back for updates.Flowers

If you're having trouble taking care of your orchids, we have a care tips section that you can use for reference. The section is broken down into many sub-sections, so you can easily navigate to a section that you need to review. We use these tips everyday in growing our orchids, so we hope that you have the same success that we did with these tips.

If you are looking for other websites containing orchids, our links page has many links to choose from. We are adding more and more links everyday so make sure you check back.

We hope you enjoy what we have to offer. If you have any questions about orchids or if you just want to say, "Hi", don't hesitate to email us or drop us a line in our guestbook. We're always glad to help in any way possible for you to have the best looking orchids. Once again, thank you for visiting our website.

Our email address has changed to jmorchids@home.com. Please update your address books. Thank You.

© 1998 J & M Orchids
This page is created by jaydee. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to visit my website.