Hey There Mannatechers!
The interest in both the SUCCESS REPORTS and the CYBERLEAN Internet Marketing Systems has been extraordinary and somewhat overwhelming. To help quench your thirst we have--in a VERY quick fashion--put together this 'no-frills' cyber-flyer to offer you more details.
This site doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles--just the wonderful truth: this system works, it's affordable, highly duplicable and allows you to work massive numbers by dramatically leveraging your time. You don't have to have a special website (although it helps if you have your own Mannapages site) or any advanced computer knowledge. If you know how to cut and paste text and how to send email, you're in business!
When you purchase this system from us you get the reports and Users Guide emailed to you in text (txt) format. You are purchasing a copy of the reports and the right to use them for your own personal prospecting efforts. Where you get your leads and your "Auto-Repsonder" (described below) is up to you--although we are happy to make recommendations. Some folks have mistakenly thought that the system involves sending their prospects to us or us having access to their prospects' names and emails. Nothing like this happens. It's your system, you set it up and only you have access.
If you have further questions, give us a call.
Live The Dream & Have Lots Of Fun!
David Holzmer (609)465-0636 & Terry Petrovick (919)528-9162
PS: Because the response has been so strong, we're extending the Event Special (both systems for $147---you save $37) until September 25th!
"Bust Open Your Internet Business with the Success Reports", Dwight Havener
Make Educating, Training and Enrolling Your Prospects Online Simple!
Imagine NO MORE PERSONAL REJECTION!!! The beauty of the Success Reports is that they take you out of the equation. This system qualifies and educates your prospects —you just follow up, answer questions and enroll your prospects. It’s as simple as 1-2-3.
The Success Reports enable your email prospects to learn about Mannatech, the products, the industry and the compensation plan. In fact, they are packed with links to various information dense websites. You can even direct the prospects to your own Mannapage and the corporate site. All the Success Reports will be sent to your email address so you can customize them with your personal story. Imagine, no more expensive packets of information to send out! You’ll save time and money!
You’ll receive the reports below plus, receive updates for an additional 12 months. Here’s a sample of the current report topics.
·May I Please Ask You a Quick Question? (the invitation message)
·The Welcome Message (an instant auto-responder message)
·Success Report #1: A Breakthrough for Creating a Successful Home-based Business in the 21st Century
·Success Report #2: At Last, a Company of Destiny
·Success Report #3: Protect Your Business with Patented Technology to Dominate The Marketplace
·Success Report #4: Life Will Be Better With a Compensation Plan That Secures Your Income
·Success Report #5: The Only Way Left to Market Your Business for Pennies a Day
·Plus, additional follow up reports to get your prospect to take action and enroll!
"If you’re looking to bust open your Internet business, use this system! It’s affordable, it works, and our people our happy with the results. Learn from the Pros!"
22 Star Platinum Presidential, Dwight Havener
"What a gift! David and Terry have created a MAJOR recruiting tool that has been proven to be highly successful. Now, they’re offering it to all Mannatech Associates. That’s the Mannatech Spirit! Thanks, David and Terry for sharing the results of your hard work and obvious expertise!"
10 Star Silver Presidential Director, Marian Head
Announcing the best method to capitalize on the power of the Internet, Naturally Thin and new GlycoLean products to create explosive growth in your business!!
GlycoLean+Naturally Thin
= CyberLean
According to USA Today, "Consumer sales over the Internet were about $10 billion last year and are expected to top $100 billion by 2003." We know that easily over 50% of all Americans are over weight. We also know that everyone wants to look good and most will pay big bucks to do so. Here’s your opportunity . . . now you can market your GlycoLean products 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the new CyberLean system on the Internet!! The CyberLean system harnesses the power of the Success Reports, the GlycoLean products and Lucy Beale’s Naturally Thin system all into one system to help you go Presidential!!!
This innovative system will propel your prospects into action through a series of email messages detailing the GlycoLean products! You’ll be able to enroll prospects using your Mannapage over the Internet without ever "selling" or doing any formal presentations to your prospects! You’ll reach more people, with less effort, while making more profit than you thought possible! This system features five compelling email messages to tell the entire GlycoLean story to get your prospects to act now!
ORDER NOW AND SAVE $$$. Availability of this new CyberLean system is targeted for September 25th. Order your pre-release edition now and save $$. Orders for both systems received by September 25th will receive a $37 discount. No checks will be cashed until your system is sent to you via email. Order your system today! This system has the potential to create massive growth in your business— don’t miss out!
"Using the CyberLean system to market the GlycoLean products on the Internet is an extraordinary idea! The collaboration of Naturally Thin and the Success Reports creates unlimited income potential! Go Presidential!"
"Doing business on the Internet is the way of the future, I’m very excited about the Success Report recruiting system! It truly enables everyone to leverage their time and money through the Internet!"
15 Star Silver Presidential Director, Gayle Hannett
"This proven system enabled Terry to become an 8 Star Presidential in just over 18 months, plus, he qualified for the Bali trip totally using the Internet! It can help you qualify for the UK trip and go Presidential!"
12 Star Presidential, David Mastrangelo
Order Yours Today! PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Checks & Cash Accepted Only
(US Currency Only Please)
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________________ State____________ Zip______________________
Phone#_______________________________________ EMail_______________________________________
Success Report System....$97, CyberLean System.... $87, Event Discount for Both Systems.... $147 (save $37)
Make Checks Payable to: TEAMWOW Marketing, 3042 Rock Spring Ch. Rd, Creedmoor, NC 27522
For Questions Call Terry Petrovick at 919-528-9162 or David Holzmer at 609-465-0636.